Smokers who plan for their quit attempt are more successful than those who don’t.

Planning to quit

Planned quit attempts are usually more successful than unplanned attempts. Planning can be done quickly and it doesn’t have to be complicated.

These are four planning tasks that may be useful for you:

  1. Set your quit date. This is the best way to get the ball rolling and it gives you time to prepare.
  2. Work out your reason. Why do you want to quit? Write down some key reasons that you can refer to when times get tough.
  3. Work out why you smoke. What makes you pick up a cigarette? Is it stress or habit? It helps to know why you smoke so you can find quitting strategies to that work for you. Take the one-minute smoking quiz to better understand your reasons for smoking.
  4. Work out your quitting method. Think about how you are going to quit so you have the tools and resources you need to quit for good. Find a method that that helps you quit your way.

Quitting methods with good success rates include:

Don’t forget – every time you have a go at quitting smoking you are learning more skills that you can use for your next attempt, which could result in you quitting smoking for good.

If you’re ready to make a plan, you can jump straight in at Make a plan.


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